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As the cold weather comes in hard and fast, some stylish Aussies have welcomed the change in temperature to flex their wintery wardrobe, while others have completed their full transformation into trash gremlin, it’s reported.

Despite saying that she loves cold weather fashion, which tends to conjure up images of stylish trench coats and expensive boots, Ruby Dwyer [29] finds herself wearing the same slobby outfit, day in and day out – an old hoodie from mysterious origins, paired with some jeans and comfortable sneakers.

“I had to venture into the city this morning, and ended up getting into a lift with a bunch of business people who looked like they were straight out of Gossip Girl”, says Ruby, “I looked like a slob.”

“I’m not taking the piss”, she continues, “I genuinely wish I could be the blow dried hair, stylish coat, keep cup lady.”

“They look so clean, and I just know they remember to take their tupperware home with them.”

Flicking a crumb off her hoodie drawstring, Ruby says she unfortunately doesn’t look like one of those cool hoodie, street style people either. 

“It’s just full goblin core.”

“I’m cold and hungry and I want to be in bed.”

More to come.


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