An awe-inspiring annual migration has taken place today as every member of an all boys sharehouse has made the switch from a Kmart fan to a Kmart electric blanket.

The terrace house in the Betoota French Quarter is home to Keiran, Dave, Miles, Vinny and Pradeep who keep the proud traditions of an all boy sharehouse alive by memorialising empty bottles of alcohol and refusing to ever wipe down a single surface.

As the eastern weather dances delicately from ‘warm enough’ to ‘a bit nippy’ those who live in buildings made before weather-proofing, or after self regulation was introduced, rely on cheap appliances to acquire a comfortable temperature for most of the year.

During the warmer months this usually takes the form of a Kmart fan of questionable effectiveness which is often subbed out in the winter for an electric blanket which is also from affordable home goods retailer Kmart.

This amazing exchange of $20 white goods took place in the all boy sharehouse today, causing large lines to form in the laundry as a few of the tenants also began their annual sheet wash.

“At least I paid for my fan, Vinny found his on the side of the road when he was pissed!” stated Keiran in a rare out-of-bedroom appearance.

While leaving the sharehouse our reporting team noted all five pedestal fans were sitting in the disused lounge room of the sharehouse. 


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