Banned Australian star David Warner reportedly walked out of a family brunch in Cronulla after his mother in law made a light-hearted jab at him.
Warner, who is noticeably not match fit, was seen tucking into some potatoe salad at the in-laws house, when Candice’s mother insinuated that he looks like he’s been eating well.
“Dig in, David” said the mother-in-law.
“You look like you’ve been in a good paddock”
It is believed David Warner immediately stood up, with his chair scraping across the living room tiles and then marched towards the door.
David’s long-suffering wife, Candice, is believed to have bailed up her distraught husband as he was fumbling with the crimsafe door.
“David, no, wait” said Candice.
David responded venomously.
“I’m not taking that Candy, not from her”
Warner then walked out the front door, jumped into his 2016 Holden Statesmen and drove back home.
It is not yet known why he was wearing full cricket kit at brunch.
This follows the news walked off because of an opposition sledge while playing in Sydney local cricket.
Warner, who turned 32 on Saturday, soon continued his innings and made 114 not out for Randwick-Petersham against Western Suburbs.
Warner had made 35 on Saturday when he reportedly told an umpire he was removing himself from the game after being niggled a little bit by some run of the mill park cricketers.