25 November, 2014. 15:02
ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | [email protected]
FORMER GOLD COAST underworld figure Tim “Sharky” Ward has reportedly been approached by recruiters from the World Wrestling Entertainment.
However, both Mr Ward and the WWE are refusing to comment on the deal, which would see “Sharky” net close to US$3.2m per year.
WWE’s VP of Talent Relations Jane Geddes, says that the acquisition of an internet superstar like Mr Ward would be great for the brand.
“He already has such a following,” says Mrs Geddes.
“It wouldn’t be hard to make him a legend. His merchandising potential is outstanding.”
In a Twitter post on Thursday, WWE CEO Vince McMahon followed up on the Associated Press’s report on WWE’s new Performance Center by throwing out the welcome mat to all forms of athletes.
“The entry to the WWE goes through our new Performance Center,” McMahon tweeted.
“Athletes from all walks of life are welcome to try out.”
An AP reporter toured the new training facility, commenting that it holds true to expectation.
“Traditionally, WWE has been a magnet for young talent from smaller, independent wrestling operations. But those minor leagues are dwindling, and while the WWE does still hold some open tryouts, the performance center will be its main training ground for developing talent.”
Mr Ward currently lives south of the Thai capital, Bangkok, in the coastal city of Pattaya – made famous for it’s family friendly and laid-back vide.
It’s been widely reported that Mr Ward is currently under investigation by Pattaya police for his involvement in criminal organisations.
This bloke is a disease pit and I would rather wrestle anyone else on the planet.