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A number of local music pundits have concluded that the amount of press US rapper/producer Kanye West is currently receiving is a key indicator that a new album will hit shelves shortly.

Claire Beatty, the bubbly day duty manager of South Betoota’s third-largest Sanity store, took time out of her busy afternoon of restocking the Fleetwood Mac and Eagles CDs to explain just why she thinks a new Kanye album is about to arrive.

“Just look at what he’s saying,” said the 27-year-old student.

“He told a crowd at Madison Square Garden that he would’ve voted for Donald Trump while he stood above them on a platform saying that he was a God just ten minutes earlier,”

“Then he does this latest round of interviews where he says very, very controversial things about everything from slavery to Taylor Swift. He opens his mouth and headlines come out – then people click on those headlines,”

“The people who click on those headlines then become the people that click buy when the album finally comes out. It’s simple. I like his as much as the next rapper, I even liked Tay-Tay’s cover of ‘September’ by that disco band that everybody was supposed to hate. I’m just saying… In the seldomly wise words of Micheal ‘Pup’ Clarke, ‘get ready for a new fucking album.'”

However, some in Betoota’s small music journalism community has said this album needs to stand head and shoulders about the rest of his work to make them forget about all the horrible things he’s said.

Speaking via telephone with our reporter, Sam Simpson, of Betoota Heights HMV explained that like most of his Twitter feed, he’s decided to move Kayne into the basket of people he doesn’t like.

“I don’t think he can come back from this. He’s gone and supported Trump,” he said.

“Which is basically career suicide. Look at Clint Eastwood. He voted for Trump and he hasn’t directed a movie since January. He won’t direct another one, either. I know that this is just all a cry for media attention and whatnot but I think he’s gone too far,”

“Which means this next album, whenever it drops, it will flop and the world will move on. Seriously, I’m a freelance music journalist, listen to me.”

More to come.


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