Local kid Archie Sinclair is currently fantasising about different ways to burn his entire primary school down with everyone still inside it.

These dark thoughts have been triggered by the classroom’s extremely embarrassing response to him accidentally referring to his third-grade teacher, Ms Patterson, as ‘mum’.

What Archie (8) initially thought was a near-inaudible freudian slip, quickly turned into a 4-5 minute eruption of laughter across the classroom.

Tim (7) from the desk that immediately neighbours Archie’s was the first to respond.

“Did you just call the teacher mum?!” shouted Tim, as Ms Patterson began to blush.

“No I didn’t! I said ‘um’ you idiot!” Archie fired back.

Ms Patterson, who seemed slightly taken aback by the fact a child no more than fifteen years younger than her could have mistaken her for his own mother, was in a state of fluster and unable to quieten the hysteria that followed in the next five excruciating minutes.

As Archie death-stares his best friend, Andy (8), who was also involved in the ridiculing – his imagination has developed into thinking about the best ways to have the school crumble upon itself in a controlled demolition.

“We’ll see if anyone is laughing then.” he thinks to himself.

With the class simmering down and Tim now waiting outside ‘until’ he calms down, Archie Sinclair knows he needs to keep his head low for the remainder of the afternoon. Until he has figured out the best way to have this entire classroom permanently removed from history.








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