Fans of early ‘10s TV have a whole new reason to be depressed this week as the reboot of ‘Undercover Boss’ was cancelled after no CEOs were willing to experience frontline work.

Described by journalist Alex McLevy as “class warfare in everything but name” and “the most blatant propaganda on television,” Undercover Boss featured real CEOs undertaking the frontline (and often minimum wage) jobs in their organisations, usually disguised as a blue collar person.

Undercover Boss Australia produced two seasons and featured CEOs such as Dom of Domino’s pizza who has found himself physically incapable of not being in front of the camera ever since.

“That was where I learnt the term ‘game-changer,’” stated Meij, who would soon be changing his name to Dom Inos in a 360 branding effort.

“Let me tell you, that was a game changer!”

But the likes of Dom seem to have fallen from the reaches of the corporate tree as not a single CEO was willing to do the work of their unnamed underlings in 2022.

“I was keen, I really was,” stated one CEO in a phone call with The Advocate, the sounds of humans fighting for sport vaguely audible in the background.

“But with Aspen coming up I just couldn’t risk getting the virus. Especially when there’s barely two months left in the season.”

“I’m sure the people in the warehouse would understand. If they’d ever been to the snow they’d understand.”

The would-be producers of the Undercover Boss reboot admit that a lot has changed since the show was first produced. 

“I think people just don’t like CEOs because a lot of them lobbied to reopen the country and force the narrative that people have to die for the good of the economy,” stated a Network Ten producer.

“It used to be that if an Undercover Boss got sprung their employees would just laugh. Nowadays I think that CEO would definitely get eaten alive.”



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