Junior salesperson Shannon Mills (22) was aware that as a young person and a woman, she would face her share of workplace adversity. However, her biggest gripe with corporate life so far is being the one who always has to fix the office printer after successfully managing to do it once.

After only her first week at the office, Mills managed to get the office printer working again after a morning of half printed documents with a weird pink line down the middle.

“I don’t even remember what I did exactly but I got it working again. That was two years ago. I was so naive.”

Mills claims fixing the office printer is her single biggest professional regret as she is now the go-to person to speak to, whenever the printer is on the fritz.

“How often does that happen? I don’t know, how often do you think a 1998 printer made by a now defunct company would stop working?”

Beyond normal repairs, Mills states she has now become responsible for changing to toner and restocking the paper because “she is pretty good with that sort of things.”

“Oi Shannon, it’s doing it again, can you help me?”

“Just hold down the red button that says ‘Restart.’”

“…can’t you just do it for me?”

Recently, Mills has also found herself responsible for all IT related questions after foolishly fixing the office WiFi three months ago.

“That one was my fault. I guess I don’t learn.”

Speaking with Mills’s boss, Ryan Gerhardt (45), we asked if her reputation as the unelected office handy-woman has affected her day to day obligations.

“Haha Miss Fix-it! What would we do without her? Just as well she can do all that because her sales are not great.”

“Oh also, if you see her on your way out can you send her over? I think I accidentally looked at some porn and now I’m getting all these pop-ups on my screen. Cheers.”


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