Hugh Jackman shows support for the Western Australian and Northern Territory communities facing closure
Hugh Jackman shows support for the Western Australian and Northern Territory communities facing closure

20 March, 2015. 12:15

CLANCY OVERELL | Editor | Contact

After promising to be a “Prime Minister for Aboriginal Affairs”, Tony Abbott has stubbornly persevered through universal condemnation from public figures of all political stripes over his claim that it’s not the taxpayers’ job to subsidise Indigenous Australians’ “lifestyle choices”.

Tony Abbotts poses with Australian of the year, Adam Goodes.  A man he describes as a "sensible blackfella" because he decided to leave his rural hometown and live in Sydney.
Tony Abbott poses with Australian of the year, Adam Goodes. A man he describes as a “sensible blackfella” because he decided to leave his rural hometown and live in Sydney.

Abbott’s critics are widespread, ranging from Indigenous lawyer, Noel Pearson – all the way to Hollywood with Hugh Jackman posting his support online early this morning. However, the prime minister has remained stern on his views regarding the “pointlessness” traditional Aboriginal lifestyles.

“I mean seriously, what do they see in it? Eating dirty wichitty grubs and charcoaled Kangaroo?”

“It’s like they’ve never experienced chicken schnitzel at the Bavarian Beer Cafe in Manly wharf”

Tony Abbott asking Aboriginal men why the hell they would want to live in a tent. Hoppy's Camp in Alice Springs.
Tony Abbott asking Aboriginal men why the hell they would want to live in a tent. Hoppy’s Camp in Alice Springs.

When questioned about his experiences in remote Australian communities, Abbott stated that he “knew enough about the bush” to justify his comments.

“I’ve been out there, it is shit and it is boring. I’ve eaten their so-called bush tucker and it is disgusting. Like, are they are seriously going to get all up in a huff about this? We are doing them a favour”

Activists take to the streets of Brisbane protesting the imminent closure of Indigenous communities last night. Credit: Gracie Eather
Activists take to the streets of Brisbane protesting the imminent closure of Indigenous communities last night. Credit: Gracie Eather

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Council housing looks the same wherever you are”

Aside from his casually racist comments, Prime Minister Abbott has been in the headlines quite a lot this last fortnight. With two separate ‘Nazi gaffes’, a cringe-worthy St Patrick’s Day address and two separate instances of him eating a raw onion on camera. Something he commented on today.

Tony rips into some Witchetty Grubs while visiting traditional lands before he became leader.
Tony rips into some Witchetty Grubs while visiting traditional lands before he became leader.

“Everyone’s going apeshit about me eating a raw onion. Well, I’d much prefer a raw onion over witchetty grubs. When are these stupid ideas of tradition and culture going to die off?

“It’s pretty obvious that their land is more valuable to us than it is to them. Or should we forfeit billions of dollars in mining just so these people can live on their native lands? I think 60,000 years is long enough, right?”

Tony Abbott mungs into a raw onion, a shocking act that has left many people questioning whether or not his history of boxing may have resulted in him suffering from early on-set dementia
Tony Abbott bites into a raw onion, a shocking act that has left many people questioning whether or not his history of boxing may have resulted in him suffering from early on-set dementia.


  1. I think Tiny Abbott is a disgusting and racist man..I call him Tiny Abbott for the fact that he has a small brain…what gives him the right to tell people how to live and what to eat..I’m indigenous of this country and they are comfortable in how they live and what they eat…who does this man think he is. He’s only looking at dollar signs he doesn’t care about the people…doing them a favour pffft you don’t care about our people Abbott all you are, is a red neck racist man you’re suppose to be in to help people all you want to do is control and manipulate…I am so happy that I didn’t vote for you nor will I in the future.

  2. I literally feel like this dickhead needs to be assinated he just doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut , hes a typical redneck ! I cant stand seeing this snotty nose rich bitch as our prime minister !

  3. This country is led by a man who is guided and dictated to by wealth and greed. A leader and country who does not care for the weakest and most vulnerable is a leader and country with no heart. Australia is a country who has stood up for justice and in the past. Will Australia allow one man to rip the heart out of this land? Thank you Australia and the Internstional world who will and has stood for the support of the Indigenous people of this land who are being attacked for being who we are.

  4. Gready white man..uranium thats what abbot is all about.get the traditional owners of there land. And he’s got nobody to stop him making deals with china and other country s what a pig

  5. Tony Abbott, I hope you know that you are a pathetic excuse for a human being, the fact that you are prime minister of this wonderful country astounds me and That raw onion you ate was fucking disgusting just like you. Indigenous Australians give you more respect than they should, I hope you get eatin alive by a giant witchety grub. Fuck off back to wherever you came from you convict.

  6. What do you say about a person who has no idea or cultural understanding… I am a proud yamatji nyarlu from geraldton.. My homeland is one of the communities you are closing, one of the communities that I now live in and my children are from you are closing.. I’m about to finish my degree in teaching so that I can help my children and others.. My children’s culture and my culture means more to me then you can understand.. Do you mr Abbott understand what you are doing?? I don’t think so!!!


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