A group of popular female students from Joan Of Arc Ladies College in North Betoota have spent the last five minutes locked in a deep embrace for no reason.

This follows new findings in a recent report by the CSIRO which suggests that popular high school girls spend upwards of 85% of their school recess and lunch breaks hugging each other.

The fact that both Kelly and Millie are both going out with the most popular footballers in their grade, who they love more than their own stupid parents, has ruled out that this particular hug is anyway romantic.

Aside from Kelly pointing out that she has ‘missed Millie so much’ since the last time they saw each other at morning tea, just over an hour ago, witnesses are unable to explain why this deep embrace has lasted so long

The girls’ teacher, Janette Pearson (72), says she the contrived-teenage-girl-hug is one of her least favourite phases.

“It’s quite dramatic and annoying” she says.

“I don’t think it’s healthy for them pretending to be such good friends when I know for a fact that Millie won’t be talking to Kelly next week when she finds out that her boyfriend has been walking home from school with another girl in the group the Kelly used to sit with”

However, this kind of short-lived, transient social hierarchyy does not seem to stop the hugging, which is expected to die down as the girl enter their senior exams in 6 months.

“Oh my God I’ve missed you so much. I’ve got soooo much to tell you” says Milly.

“Johnathon is being suchhh a psycho”



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