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With Australian schools closed due to coronavirus, even online schools are taking safety measures, with the popular School of Hard Knocks having followed suit and ordered it’s students to continue to stay home, or break into other people’s homes if they are nicer.

School of Hard Knocks, established in late 2006 immediately after Facebook allowed anyone over the age of 13 to open an account, caters to students with drug convictions, an excessive number of facial piercings, more than one AVO and panel beaters.

It’s most popular online courses cover topics such as How To Source Special Chemistry Glassware Without Getting Raided, Correct Use Of Derogatory Terms For Police Officers, and Centrelink Maths.

School Principal Damien Shank said it was important that students maintain a low profile to stay safe.

“For sure, the last thing you want is to come into contact with the general public; that’s the sort of thing that might draw unwanted attention from narks. You’re better off staying inside all day and working at night, you know what I’m saying? Stay at home; or if it’s a shithole, just stay in someone else’s home. Make sure they aren’t there first.”

Insurance Scam Technician Alan Osborne, 29, said he would be taking the school’s advice.

“Makes sense, ay? Can’t disappear into a crowd when the crowd is in their homes; makes it hard to get into their homes too. Better off staying indoors to ride out the storm. Although I might head to the neighbours’ flat downstairs. They haven’t come back from their cruise yet so I might drop in and check out their sound system, ay”.


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