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Keen to gain a little bit of independence, Cameron Frost chomped at the opportunity to get his learners permit mere hours after he turned 16.

Now tasked with the challenge of learning to drive an automobile, the spritely fourth-former’s parents have risen to the occasion and have spent the past few weeks trying to help Cameron build his hours up.

But, as most young men can agree, the moon-headed Cancerian prefers to drive with his father as he’s much less vocal and timid when it comes to his driving.

“Every time I go for a drive with Mum, she grabs onto the bloody Jesus handle and starts hyperventilating like she’s just seen the ghost of her dead aunt,” he said.

“Not like Dad, he just looks scared half the time and tells me to either slow down or look out. That’s more constructive than just sitting there whimpering. I’m not even that bad of a driver. Ah, how many times have I crashed? None.”

According to Cameron’s mother, Tania, it’s only a matter of time until that day comes.

Speaking to The Advocate shortly after returning from the Betoota Heights shops with her son, the popular local solicitor said he son is a madman behind the wheel and she fears for the day he gets his provisional licence.

“He drives so fast,” she said.

“So, so fast. I try to be supportive and give him feedback on his driving but he takes it so personally that I feel uncomfortable doing it. The Jesus handle, at least, makes me feel safer when he’s zipping down those narrow roads near the shops,”

“His father is of the same opinion.”

Though he wasn’t a quick to condemn his son’s driving, Miles Frost told our reporters that he can hardly talk – saying that he’s written off more than one vehicle in his time and that the stories he’s told his son over the years might have contributed to his behaviour.

When Cameron was just a boy, his father’s driving style wasn’t to be admired.

He’d put the indicator on to overtake and put the boot into the AU Fairmont, feeling the kick down as Miles pulled out onto the wrong side of the road.

100, 120, whiz past the wheat truck, 130, 150 and then it’d kick up into top gear and they’d be back safely on their side of the road.

“Maybe that had influenced his driving,” said Miles.

“But yeah, I can’t tell the kid he drives like a fuck head because that’d be hypocritical of me. It just goes to show that kids learn from you. Anyway, I don’t grab the Jesus handle because I need to be ready to grab the wheel or flick the fucking thing back into neutral and reef the handbrake on.”

More to come.


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