In between spending her nights getting sucked into the vortex of suggested Youtube videos and waking up in the middle of the day, local woman Elena Manners has felt her sanity slowly slip away the longer she goes without a job or routine.

The irregular sleep schedule, coupled with a predilection for overthinking and nitpicking has culminated in some erratic behaviour – which only ever seems to occur in the wee hours of the morning. 

“Fuck it, you should cut yourself a fringe”, screams Elena’s inner monologue as she stares dead-eyed at her reflection at 3 am in the morning, “just do it once, it’ll be funny.”

Spreading the end of her ponytail over the bridge of her forehead to form a makeshift fringe, a crazed Elena tests whether she would suit having half her face covered in hair. When she finds herself pinballing from both liking the new do to feeling self-conscious about the way it seems to bring attention to her snoz, she puts down the pair of scissors and takes a good hard look at herself.

“You know what would be funnier. Shaving it. Shave your fucking head. At least you can say you’ve done it once. Just do it.”


Fighting every muscle in her body not to take the scissors and do a quick snip, Elena convinces herself that a fringe would take too long to grow out anyway.

More to come.


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