2 February, 2015. 13:10
IMRAN GASHKORI | Sports Journalist | Contact
#SUPERBOWLMONDAY is the hashtag littering the newsfeed of Australian social media users today, an Australian take on the annual celebrations throughout America.
Pubs and living rooms across the country play host to a vast number of “sports-mad” Australian men, who have tuned into to the live broadcast of the American Football spectacular.
The Betoota Hotel is just another one of these venues that has capitalised on the online globalisation of sporting enthusiasts – by hosting their very own Super Bowl party, complete with plenty of beer and fried chicken wings.
Hotel Manager Tyrone Carton says the game has drawn a large crowd full of fair-weather supporters.
“We’ve probably had about 120 people show up and you could hear them from outside,” Mr Hall said.
“It seems to be ramping up each year… but most don’t know what’s going on. They are more interested in the highly sexualised half-time performances and big budget advertising”
This surprising trend in the Australian sporting community has seen an increasing number of Australian males compensating for their lack of interest in homegrown football codes by claiming to be “die-hard” fans of the NFL on the first Monday of February each year.
Further south in Sydney’s Cronulla Shire, Ryan Mackley believes he is just one of many Australian men who have opted to take the day off work in order to watch the NFL.
“I don’t watch cricket, I don’t watch the NRL or AFL… I’m more of a gridiron guy,” says the 24-year-old telemarketer.
“Super Bowl is my day. I own 18 Seahawks Jerseys… I’ve been a diehard fan since I found out there was an injured Australian guy in the Seattle team. God I love sport!”
For many fans, the result of today’s showdown between the New England Patriots and Seattle Seahawks “doesn’t mean shit”- serving many as an opportunity to drink beer and eat unhealthy American food.
While few are able to claim that they actually follow American Football, most admit to using the occasion to appear masculine.
Similar behaviours are seen in Australian men during the FIFA World Cup and NBA Championships.
Oh no! People are having fun! Better criticise them and say they are compensating for other shortfalls. Get a life.
Super Bowl is a fun and very inspiring. I enjoy the competition very seriously. And wanted to watch the game live one day.