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A recent survey conducted by the Australian Stock Horse Association (ASHA) has found that fresh plant horses that live to throw first-year jackaroos can be pacified by a simple rub on the neck and a few kind words.
The group’s spokesman spoke briefly to The Advocate via telephone this morning to discuss the study’s findings.
“Horses can smell fear; they can tell when someone is nervous around them,” said the ASHA’s Tim Stanley.
“So most importantly, just try to be confident around them. Especially young plant horses that’ve just been broken. Most mornings, especially when you’re just not in the mood, they’ll be hard to catch and once you get them saddled up, they’ll inevitable drop out on you,”
“But this recent discovery will stop that from happening.”
Stanley went on to explain that once an especially inexperienced horseman is atop a fresh plant horse – just as the sun’s coming up over the dunes and it begins to pig root – the horse will calm down and be nice after just a couple neck rubs and ‘easy boys’.
“Just give it a rub and whisper softly in its ear. It’s as easy as that.”
One young stationhand that’s put the study’s findings to good use, also spoke candidly to our reporter this morning.
Fresh from being thrown to the length of his reins at daybreak today, local first-year ringer Marty Gilroy said the advice is timely and needed for people in his industry.
“I can’t wait to put this new knowledge into practice,” said the dough-banging Pearson Downs cowboy.
“Tell you what, I’m sick to death of getting spat first thing in the morning. It’s cold and I’m about as flexible as a boogie board before 7. I’ve got this wookatook blue colt that I honestly reckon is out to fucking kill me. He bit me on the trap when I hogged his mane last week, you should see the bruise,”
“Plus, I’ve got a new Kent saddle that this little girl in the catalogue said that it’s impossible to fall out of. I’m going to have to call bullshit on that. I’ve had it for a week and I’ve been thrown out the front of it, out the back, both sides and straight out the top like a fighter pilot ejecting. Maybe she knew the neck rub trick before me?”
More to come.